Last week at Little Ashcan, students embarked on an enchanting journey inspired by the infamous artist Gustav Klimt. Known for his opulent use of gold and intricate patterns, Klimt's artistry left a lasting impression on our budding creators.
In our studio, students brought their own unique twist to Klimt's signature style by incorporating gold accents into their clay relief portraits. Each piece radiated with vibrant colors and intricate textures, capturing the essence of Klimt's mesmerizing artistry. As they sculpted and molded, they delved deeper into the world of relief sculpture, exploring dimensionality and form.
🏖️ 🏄♀️ But the creative journey doesn't end there! We're thrilled to announce that summer registration is now open at Little Ashcan. Our summer sessions, running once a week for seven weeks, promise an immersive experience in the world of art ☀️✨.
This summer, our theme is "Observe and Draw," focusing on honing observational skills and mastering the art of drawing. From learning how to draw animals and insects to capturing movement and expression, our students will learn to break down shapes, lines, and colors, gaining confidence in their artistic abilities.
At Little Ashcan, we believe in empowering young artists to express themselves boldly and confidently. Our summer program will not only teach them essential drawing, painting, soft pastel, oil pastel, techniques—it will provide foundations for developing great still life seen above and below!.
Curious to see what our talented students have created in the past? Take a peek at our gallery of past projects on our website. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram @littleashcanart for more inspiration and updates!
If you have any questions, would like to find out more information on our programs, or schedule a trial class, reach out to us at or call us at (718) 819-0004!