Hi everyone!
I’m playing a little catchup from last week. Ashcan has been filled with the BEST energy and the kids have been electrifying in the studio. Ms. Jackie was so impressed by how quickly the kids grasped these concepts, she had a hop in her step while cleaning up!
Did you know artists are able to create the illusion of light using different color and tonal values? Value is how dark or light a color can be and is best understood when visualized as a scale from dark to light. There are countless types of drawing pencils to achieve a variance in value, like woodless graphite pencils, wood encased graphite pencils, graphite sticks, charcoal pencils, etc. We experimented with some of the different drawing pencils and made our own value gradients.
Once we understood the concept of value, we applied the idea to color and got our fingers a little messy, shading these circles until we brought them into a 3 dimensional context using the stump tool to blend.

Looking for an at-home artsy weekend activity?
Did you know you can make vine charcoal at home? It’s super simple! What a fun weekend activity this could be for the whole family. Follow the steps below:
Collect small branches
Put them in small metal container
Close the container and make a small hole, then put it in fire
Cool down
Ready to use!