3D Build with Ideas

Ron Mueck

Welcome back!

Last week our students learned about an artist named Ron Mueck. Mueck was born as the son of toy-makers and grew up making all sorts of creatures, dolls and outfits in his spare time. He experimented with different materials and techniques.

Mueck's sculpture responds to the minute details of the human body, playing with scale to produce engrossing visual images. This is also known as hyperrealism. Mueck spends a long time, sometimes more than a year, creating each sculpture. His subject matter is deeply private, and is often concerned with people's unspoken thoughts and feelings. You can see examples of Ron Mueck’s work below.

One of Mueck’s famous works are large scaled baby sculptures. If you look below, you can see how large the baby sculptures are compared to adults.

Our students took these examples and recreated their own sculptures. On the left, you can see our instructor’s work and on the right you can see an example of one of our student’s work.

As someone who does not have much art background, it is fascinating to learn with the students. Each week as I read over our instructor’s curriculum and lesson plans, I learn about such amazing artists. But what amazes me more is how the students absorb this information and create such astounding work. When I see the work our students create, it just shows how art brings people together. Throughout this pandemic there aren’t many opportunities to come together as a group. There are so many sources of anxiety once we leave our homes. But during class, our students have the chance to join and bring ideas as one.

It has been snowing almost every week this month. I can’t wait until the weather warms up!

Until next time!