Creative Mind_Watercolor Painting

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In today’s post, I will be showing some of the students’ artwork from our Watercolor Painting class. Watercolor paint is such a great medium for kids to work with. It is very experimental and you can have a lot of fun with it.

We had students create paintings using watercolor paint, while also using household items to create patterns and texture. Some examples of things the students used are salt, plastic wrap, glue, straws, tape, crayons, and yarn.

Let’s take a look!

Watercolor Galaxy

Using a cup, pencil, and watercolor, we created a circle and painted different constellations and a galaxy within. You can see how the paint blends in seamlessly while creating different shades when mixed with water.


Watercolor Galaxy with Salt

To jazz things up a bit, salt can be used to create texture within the painting. Yes - salt! Salt creates an effect where the paint does not blend in, and so you can see how the tiny salt crystals left white areas in the galaxy painting below. In the student’s painting below, the salt crystals seem to represent stars in the galaxy. This simple yet intricate effect brings great detail. Understanding techniques like this is what makes a painting stand out amongst others.

Experimental Watercolor

Blowing into the watercolor paint before it is fully dry can create a ripple effect. Students used their brushes to mix different ratios of water and paint and then blew into their painting to create more depth. Looking at the two paintings below, I was amazed at the choice of color the student used for this experiment. You can tell that she understands her color wheel. It is important to understand the basic painting techniques while working with a new type medium.

Working with our students online has come a long way. I still remember when the pandemic first hit and we were all transitioning our classes. It was frustrating for not just us, but for the students and parents as well. We came a long way and it is now such a special time for our instructor and kids. Although we are behind a computer screen, we have created lesson plans which are interactive and take advantage of our home setting.